How is Christian Counseling Different from Ordinary Counseling?
First, you should know that Christian Counseling is NOT a Bible Study or a lecture series! In my marriage counseling practice, Biblical principles are foundational. Values like forgiveness, unconditional love, trust, commitment, perseverance and mutual respect form the basis of my work. I depend on the Holy Spirit’s leading, and as I often tell my clients, “My wisdom comes from God.” I pray before each session for the Lord to move me out of the way and to guide the client toward Him and in the direction that He is leading. With my Christian clients, I always encourage and facilitate their relationship with God, and point them back to Him as the authority. In addition to a Biblical perspective, I use psychotherapeutic methods that align with the Bible and practically address the challenges that many married couples face. |
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Marriage and Family Quote...“The greatest favor we can do our children is to give visible example of love and esteem to our spouse. As they grow up, they may then look forward to maturity so they too can find such love.”
-Eucharista Ward Ephesians 4:32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. |