So imagine this scene with me: It’s Sunday morning and you’re getting dressed for church, you take a shower, put on your favorite outfit and shoes, favorite perfume, best cologne and off you and the family go, heading up highway 71 to church. On the way your husband says something to you about the back door lock being broken and without even thinking about it you start telling him he needs to fix it this time because he never gets around to taking care of household chores anymore. And before you even know it, you’re hurling insults of an intense magnitude at each other, with the kids huddled together in the backseat, on highway 71, on the way to church. As you screech into the parking lot you wave religiously at the self -sacrificing parking attendant and warn the troops as they flee from the vehicle to put on their happy church face. I only know of this because couples share this with me in counseling all the time. No, I know about this first hand because this has happened in our car on the way to church!
James says in Chapter 3:9-10 says, “With (the tongue) we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men (our spouses) who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brothers (and sisters, wives and husbands), these things ought not to be this way.”
So here’s my question to you, “What’s in your heart? And what’s flowing out of it and on to your spouse? Let’s get real with Him today.
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